De-ironing Filters

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De-ironing filter
Setting of De-ironing filter
De-ironing filters

De-ironing filters are use to clean the water suspension. De-ironing of supplied water is needed specially for the bleaching process in order to avoid attack of hydrogen peroxide with iron which results in making holes in the fabric. If De-Ironing is not done, iron particles coming with the water supply shall slip causing damage to the fabric. The caustic solutions from outside sources can also contain impurities with iron contents. This iron slippage into commercial caustic solution comes from corroded and dirty tankers and also due to inefficiency of post filtration process during manufacturing of caustic soda.

Application area

In the Textile Mills are recommended for the de-ironing of -Water supplied to bleachers, J-Boxes and other machines -Fresh water distribution -Condensates -Steam -Caustic solutions at all concentrations
