Explosion Diverters

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Explosion diverters

Explosion diverters provide a cost effective means of mitigating the propagation of an explosion through ductwork. The relief vents are fitted into connecting pipes to separate subsequent apparatus in the event of a hazard. If an explosion happens in the equipment, the flat closes immediately, and disconnects the area con-cerned from the other apparatus. Transmission of the explosive pressure is interrupted, and the propa-gation of sparks therefore largely avoided. With the pressure relief vent you therefore protect your pipelines effectively from explosion transfer.


  • Reliable protection in the event of explosions
  • Immediate availability following an explosion through automatic or manual closure of the flap cover
  • Economical construction
  • Adjustable spring-loaded device to hold the cover
  • Trigger pressure adjusted at the factory
  • Self-closing explosion door.
  • Passive system requires no electrical controls.
  • Sentinel switches to electrically signal other devices e.g. extinguishing barriers, emergency plant shutdown etc.
  • Requires little or no reconditioning after an explosion.