Mid Shear Mixers

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Mid Shear Mixers

Mid Shear Mixers are used for processes where high shear leads to product deformation and low shear results in inadequate mixing.


A particularity of the mid shear mixer is the ribbon - paddle agitating rotor inthe form of a central shaft with 3 large paddles. The ribbon shape takes careof the transport and the 3 large paddles bring shear. The shape of theagitation rotor ensures the transport of material upwards. A tip speed from 1up to 10 m/s is used for an intensive circulation. As the bottom has a conical shape,the residue after mixing is minimized. The special design of the rotor allowstwo rotation directions and guarantees an excellent scraping effect forminimizing residues after discharging. Moreover, due to the large ball segmentvalve in the centre of the vessel, discharge time is minimized as well.

Common Applications

  • Intensive mixing of powders, pastes and slurries
  • Moistening of powders
  • Granulating
  • Flavouring
  • Colouring
  • Heating/cooling