Compact Sieves

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Revision as of 16:05, 2 February 2012 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Compact Sieves Clears pollution with vibrating movement, with the use of sieve filters. Material falls on the sieve filter trough the input and is being sieved in a direct line. reducing the possibility of congestion.

Outside view of a Compact Sieve
Principle of a Compact Sieve
Outside vieuw of a Compact Sieve

The compact sieve can be used for primary mechanical waste removal, such as a particle remover directly next to the pond or to a waterfall/stream return to the pond, or a mechanical particle waste pre-filter before surface mounted biological stages. This unit can be connected to an existing pumped pond skimmer system. The unit must be mounted above pond water level.


  • Food - Bakery ingredients, food powders or liquids, etc.
  • Coatings - Powder coatings, pigment paints, etc.
  • Chemicals - Chemical powders or liquids Metals - Metal powders, alloys, etc.
  • Pharmaceuticals - Pharma powders, active powders, pharma liquids, etc Ceramics - Ceramic powders, china clay, etc
  • Environment - Treating wastewater for clean disposal, etc.And many more...
