Extraction Tables

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Extraction table is a cutting machine, doesn’t matter what type or make, has to do one thing primarily: to cut effectively at high quality. To achieve this, not only a high quality flame-, plasma- or laser cutting unit is required. Also a cutting table of higher value is needed. Furthermore, the smoke created during cutting metal needs to be extracted, to protect the people within the workshop.

Parts of Extraction Table
File:Extraction Tables 0.jpg
Modern Extraction table
Post Mortem Extraction table

But the dust, sparks and fumes will also harm the cutting machine itself and affect the performance or even could cause a break down. For this reason extraction is irreplaceable. The performance of an extraction system is very much dependent on the design of the extraction table. To keep the extraction rate as low as possible, the table has to be divided in individual extraction segments. As a matter of course, the individual segments should be controlled automatically via the control of the cutting machine.

To avoid filter fires, normally triggered by sparks and hot particles, the table should be constructed in such a manner that pre-separation occur within the table itself. By ensuring this, the level of dust reaching the filter unit is reduced. This provides an extended filter life and in turn lower maintenance costs. Maintenance is also important for the smooth operation of the complete system. The table should be easy to maintain as maintenance of a cutting table often means cleaning. The cleaning should be carried out as simply as possible by means of removable steel support frames and slag/dust boxes.

General Features

-Greater interval between cleaning operations by using large slag collectors, leading to savings in time and cost Easy cleaning of the table

-Increased cutting quality due to the innovative support design

-It can be used with existing extraction systems

-The surface extraction leads to an efficient and safe extraction of dust, without sparks entering the filter.
