Ceramic Lined Materials

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Ceramic lined materials provide the extra protection of ceramic, which is particularly effective in applications requiring impact and sliding abrasion resistance. These ensure wear-resistant ceramic cylinders to resilient rubber or urethane, to create tough, durable lining systems that extend wear life on your production line, while reducing maintenance and downtime. Well-suited to the rigors of crushed rock, mineral concentrates, and other abrasive materials, the lining systems are ideal for heavy-wear and impact applications.

‎Ceramic Lined Materials
‎Ceramic Lined Materials

General features:

  • High pressure and heat during the vulcanizing process creates an incredible bond between rubber and ceramic.
  • Ceramics will stay in place until completely worn.
  • Thickness and formulation can very to create a custom system for your installation.
  • Urethane/Ceramic liners can be an alternative solution in applications where chemicals in contact with liners can adversely affect rubber compounds.
  • Can be engineered to change size, placement, and spacing of ceramic cylinders to meet the right impact level and abrasion resistance for your particular application.

-Ceramic is good for sliding abrasion

-Rubber is excellent for impact abrasion

-The combination is ideal for sliding/impact abrasions
