Industrial RCM Courses

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Industrial RCM Courses are continually offered, refined, and developed to incorporate the state-of-the-art in RCM thinking. Instructors have undergone the most intensive, formal RCM capability-development program worldwide.

Industrial RCM Courses

Introductory Course in Reliability-centered Maintenance

This comprehensive three-day course provides invaluable information for professionals wanting to secure optimal performance from physical assets from the viewpoint of safety, environmental integrity, output, product quality or customer service. Accordingly, it is ideally suited to the interests of plant managers, production managers, operations managers, maintenance managers and those accountable for safety and environmental integrity.

RCM Review Group Training Course

This three-day course has been developed primarily for individuals from production (operators and supervisors), maintenance (craftsmen and supervisors) and engineering (process, design) who will participate in RCM review groups. The course is also intended for others directly involved in the application, auditing and implementation of an RCM analysis.

RCM Facilitator Competency Development Course

The RCM facilitator course is always held at a client site to provide material for the zero-based case study. Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 12 delegates. About 25 percent of the course format is composed of lectures. For the balance of the course, delegates take turns serving as facilitators.