High Frequency Dryers

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High Frequency Dryers are commonly used for drying large square wood materials, Hard board leaved tree material, and Rare woods that require large amount of heat frequency.

High Frequency Dryers


1) High frequency heating, more equal, dry faster; 17times faster than wood dust burnt dryer. The drying cycle are mainly 20-30hours. (It will be different with different wood type and wood moisture)

2) Vacuum condition, dry faster in lowr temperature to eliminate the problem of split.


1. In vacuum condition, drying at lower temperature. (60° C or lower, adjustable) 2. High Frequency heating. Almost 17 times faster than conventional dryer 20-30 hours per cycle. 3. Cylinder pressure to prevent bending. No sparking and no bending. 4. It is suitable for all kinds of wood, especially for hard wood, rare wood. It can save the time and cost. 5. Worm killing and no color changing. 6. No polution (no need boiler)