Loop Dryers

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The Loop Dryers are a universal machine to dry all kinds of fabric, especially woven fabrics. Given the high fabric capacity in the machine the drying effect is uniform and progressive. This thus aids the natural shrinkage and the silk-hand effect that characterises the Como fabrics.

Loop Dryers

The machine is modular and the base has a Conveyor Belt that picks up the fabric and, using a special air drawing-in unit, forms the loop.

The first loop is held onto its fabric-carrying rod by special teflon devices. The fabric-carrying rods are made of stainless steel covered in quartz. The fabric continually changes position on the rods to avoid leaving marks on the fabric. Air circulates from the top to the bottom of the machine.

The fabric is looped over covered poles that slowly move through the oven. Loop configuration provides a long dwell time at temperature with minimal floor space requirement.