Vacuum Manipulators

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Vacuum Manipulators designed to be modular for convenience and to give total flexibility. The individual modules such as the Z stage, XY stage, rotary drive and sample holder are compatible to allow complex applications to be built up from a range of standard units.

Vacuum Manipulators

Checklists are included with each translator to guide you through the configuration process and to help you choose the modules that, when combined, result in the manipulator best suited to your individual application.

Stepper motors can be fitted to most VG Scienta manipulation equipment. Motors allow remote and fast operation and, when combined with our high performance drive control units, these systems provide higher resolution than is possible with manual control.

A modular range of controllers and accessories is available which allows a wide range of single axis or multi-axis control systems to be assembled. The controllers can operate either open-loop or encoded stepper motors.
